Timelines 5 New Timeline Options
Timeline 2: .timeline-left
John & Mike Doe meet for first at Kings College London
Blandit brevitas interdico jumentum laoreet utinam. Abluo aliquip aptent cui elit hendrerit inhibeo nobis singularis ullamcorper.
John Doe launches first website
Comis commoveo decet olim. Diam oppeto proprius. Decet duis ex iriure nostrud praemitto secundum.
The company was born
Antehabeo autem dignissim eligo huic luctus quibus tego torqueo. Camur scisco tego usitas vero.
Company lands first major client
Aliquam appellatio dolore esca humo iusto macto mos valde veniam.
4 Timeline variations (combine with .timeline) classes available:
- Default : class="timeline" = default, 2 items per row, floating left & right, timeline runs down the middle. Is stacked on mobile.
- timeline-left : class="timeline timeline-left" = 1 item per row, floating left, timeline runs down the left with markers aligned left
- timeline-right : class="timeline timeline-right" = 1 item per row, floating right, timeline runs down the right with markers aligned right
- timeline-stacked : class="timeline timeline-stacked" = posts stack on top of each other, 1 item per row, timeline runs down the middle, markers show above posts. Is default mobile layout.
Timeline item (combine with .timeline-item) classes available:
- overlap-off = drops the item overlap
- overlap-pull-large = class to pull item up 120px
- overlap-pull-small = class to pull item up 30px
- overlap-push-large = class to push item down 120px
- overlap-push-medium = class to push item down 60px
- overlap-push-small = class to push item down 30px
- right = pulls item to right
- highlight = highlights the marker with primary colour